Our Executive Director Jackie Foor has been invited to give one of three keynote talks at the Harrisburg Regional STEM Workforce Development Connector Summit and also will participate in one of several featured presentations at the Learning Summit 2025. Joining her as keynoters at the Harrisburg event on June 7th are Ryan Unger, President and […]
CPE News
Consortium expands future readiness programming for elementary schools
Having focused on various aspects of future readiness for more than six years, the Consortium has begun taking a more intentional approach toward helping educators at the elementary level find ways to create future ready content for their classrooms and career learning experiences for their students. Our Professional Development team, for example, last month hosted […]
Future Ready Partnerships Conference showcased opportunities
Educators left our Future Ready Partnerships Conference earlier this month with leads on opportunities for their schools and new contacts to help put them in place. Just the number of businesses and organizations willing to work with schools surprised Daniel Pounds, a Personalized Learning Coach in Burrell School District. “It just blew my mind that […]
Discover new resources!
In the past year, the Consortium has offered two new resources that educators might want to check out if they haven’t already. One is a new blog about Equity & Engagement in Education. The other is a new video series called I Reach, I Teach: Conversations with Educators of Color. A recent blog post combining […]
Future Ready Leaders debriefed on year-end projects, prepped for site visits
As part of our Future Ready Leaders (FRL) initiative, Montour Area School District’s team offered a career fair for peers featuring businesses, post-secondary programs, and volunteer opportunities. South Allegheny School District’s team is offering a discussion series about scholarship opportunities, choosing core classes and electives, and other topics to support peers in planning for the […]
Conference spotlights partnerships, CTCs, and future readiness
Career & Technology Centers (CTCs) emerged as one of two big themes at our first Future Ready Partnerships Conferences this spring, sharing the spotlight with the main event, school-business partnerships. A second Conference is slated for April. The focus on Career & Technology Centers came during a panel discussion as well as in the questions […]
Projects featuring our plug-and-play Professional Development
With new state-mandated science standards scheduled for implementation beginning in 2025, Fox Chapel Area School District wanted to ensure that its educators had tools for translating them into classroom lessons and knew other districts would be looking for support as well. It won a PAsmart Advancing Grant to launch the STEM ACES initiative in collaboration […]
Check out our new Professional Development menu!
Our Professional Development Team is already booking customized training sessions and consulting work for 2023-2024. We’re making our full menu of options available now for districts or schools that want to incorporate professional development or future readiness support in grant applications. Our menu of offerings ranges from tools for improving classroom and community engagement, to […]
Counselors meeting helped illuminate issues around expanding professional role
With many school counselors seeing their duties expand into the realm of ensuring students’ future readiness, the Consortium brought more than 75 counselors together to see where it might provide support. “Our goal is finding out where regionally there are common needs that we might be able to address with a program in the next […]
Consortium convening counselors to assess expanding responsibilities and needs
At a time when many school counselors are experiencing expansion in their professional roles, the Consortium plans to convene a group of them on Tuesday, March 14 with a view toward identifying areas involving students’ future readiness that might call for additional support. “We want to see whether there might be a program we could […]