TFIM leaders learn why “sustainability mindset” is becoming a workplace expectation
Advisors and student leaders from our career exploration program, The Future Is Mine (TFIM), came together in December for mid-year debriefings, planning for the annual Student Leadership Conference and a presentation on educational resources offered by the Green Building Alliance.

TFIM team leaders also exchanged ideas on everything from fundraising and recruitment to choosing the best projects and essential skills students need to learn to prepare for the workplace.
As part of TFIM, students take on team projects both to explore careers and build career-related skills, with particular emphasis on leadership.
The mid-year meeting for advisors and student leaders often features community partners that offer opportunities for career exploration. This year, Teresa DeFlitch Director of Learning and Innovation, discussed resources the Green Building Alliance offers schools.
In addition, DeFlitch told students that the sustainability movement not only offers promising careers of its own, it also offers pathways in other industries. Increasingly, a background in sustainability is something employers are seeking even in unrelated occupations, she said.
DeFlitch said that as industries of all kinds focus on recycling, conservation and other green practices, they’re looking for employees “with a sustainability mindset,” even for jobs not directly involved.