Our staff in the spotlight
Invitations to speak at more than half a dozen conferences during the 2022-2023 school year underscored the range of expertise our staff brings to schools and the thought leadership they bring to education in areas ranging from Human-Centered Design to developing school-business partnerships. Among the highlights:
Program Directors Gina Barrett and Jenn Sethman presented ideas for building impactful school-business partnerships at the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s SAS (Standards Aligned Systems) Institute Conference in Hershey in December. Barrett also joined our Executive Director at Woodland Hills High School in October to give a workshop on the same topic during a shared professional development day that drew more than 700 educators.
Program Directors Aaron Altemus and Debbie Pixton teamed up at the 2022 PASCD (Pennsylvania Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development) Conference for a presentation about Growing Students’ 4C Skills Using a Design Thinking Mindset . They also shared a dais at the Pennsylvania Creativity Conference to present Growing Your Students’ Creativity Skills Using a Design Thinking Toolbox.
Pixton also presented with Program Director Sarah Brooks at the SAS Conference with a talk on on Human-Centered Design: A Collaborative Approach to Solving Complex School Challenges.
Brooks also teamed up with Altemus at the Allegheny Intermediate Unit’s Flex Space Summit to talk about How Human-Centered Design Can Create Flexible Learning Spaces.
Selected for her expertise in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Program Director Christy Kuehn, PhD., served as a Mentor at the national SXSW-EDU Conference.
Program Associate Frank Kamara presented insights on Historically Black Colleges & Universities at Penn State Greater Allegheny’s HBCU Symposium.