Future Readiness Lab beginning career exploration activities
Future Readiness Lab participants will begin a series of career explorations in November, attending virtual snack-and-learn sessions that we’ve organized with Covestro on November 11 and ALCOSAN on November 18. Together, the sessions will showcase career opportunities in engineering, manufacturing and environmental sciences.
The Lab is a pilot project that the Consortium launched earlier this month in partnership with The Heinz Endowments and eight school districts to prepare a diverse group of students for their post-secondary career choices and paths as well as for community engagement.
In each district, students will work individually and as teams with coaches to support their learning. Their initial work is aimed at answering five questions critical to preparing for the future: Who am I? Who do I want to become? How do I get there? How do I continue to learn? How do I give back to my community?
As this month comes to a close, all of the teams have met with their coaches and begun their journeys. Along the way, they’ll individually be mapping their post-secondary plans while learning, practicing and demonstrating professional skills needed for post-secondary success.