BAMSM expansion brings mentors to more kids Under a mentoring program new to Woodland Hills School District this year, two participating students have benefited enough from their adult mentors that they’ve started trying to do a little mentoring themselves. D’ Marcus and Keshawn both said adult mentors from the Be a Middle School Mentor (BAMSM) […]
Recommend a student for STEM camp!
STEM Camp for Mon Valley kids! If you know of students currently in 9th grade who might benefit from a STEM camp, why not give them applications for this three-day program coming up at the end of June. BlueRoof Technologies, one of the Consortium’s Champions of Learning Award winners, is offering a free summer STEM […]
Summer opportunities for teachers!
Using Project-Based Learning and Video Games to help kids explore careers or build soft skills The Consortium is pleased to offer two summer workshops for teachers as part of South Fayette School District’s STEAM Innovation Summer Institute. One is about using video games to help kids explore careers and develop soft skills and another on […]
Invitation to learn about Student Powered Solutions and Project-Based Learning opportunities
Breakfast briefing on SPS and PBL Interested educators should plan on attending a breakfast briefing about our Student Powered Solutions (SPS) program and workshops on Project-Based Learning. The agenda will be focused on the benefits of participating in SPS, the Consortium’s project-based learning program, including how to get involved for the 2018-2019 school year. Come hear […]
LCTE closes year with job-related skills practice
LCTE stages mock interviews At the latest session of Leadership in Career & Technical Education, kids enthusiastically held up “Stop” signs during mock job interviews, calling out behaviors and answers that might give employers pause—from slouching in chairs to looking at text alerts. They also practiced introducing themselves with the kind of elevator speech needed […]
McTighe keynotes business-school partnership conference
Expert challenges educators to rethink goals for classroom learning Nationally known educator and author Jay McTighe told southwestern Pennsylvania educators and business representatives in April that schools need to clarify their missions and better align curricula and assessment with what students need to “be able to do.” McTighe was the keynote speaker at a conference […]
TFIM Student Leadership Conference brings together 300+ students from nearly 30 districts
TFIM Conference offers career insights from 16 different employers For Jayda, a Brownsville Area High School student planning a college minor in film, visiting Steeltown Entertainment was eye-opening. She said she found there was a lot more to making a movie than meets than meets the eye and a lot more to using a video […]
Alliance teams debrief on partnerships
Alliance teams offer snapshots of their community partnerships Teams participating in our Future Ready Alliance gathered in April to discuss partnerships aimed at helping students explore and prepare for post-secondary education and careers. Their meeting also provided opportunities for interested schools and districts to meet with representatives of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Educational Laboratory to assess […]
Champions of Learning winners announced
And the winners are… Winners in five categories took center stage on Saturday, April 7, 2018 when the Consortium for Public Education hosted its annual Champions of Learning Awards celebration and presented a Special Tribute to Sarah Tambucci, Ph.D, recently retired Director of the Arts Education Collaborative. Don Marinelli, Director of Innovation at 535 Media/Inven […]
SPS teams unpack marketing issues for Remake Learning
SPS teams presented ideas for marketing Remake Learning Days When Remake Learning Days kick off this year, you just might learn about them during a basketball game at your school. Marketing at sporting events was an idea that came out of a Student Powered Solutions project earlier this month when teams from McKeesport Area and […]