Alliance teams map strategies to improve career learning When teams in our Future Ready Alliance convened in October to plan career learning improvements for their districts and schools, a management consultant versed in organizational behavior coached them on making the changes without making waves. “Trying to change things in schools is really hard,” said Wayne […]
Consortium testifies at public hearing
Consortium hosts Policy Committee hearing on partnerships between businesses and schools Noting that partnerships with K-12 schools represent an avenue for doing it, a PNC Financial Services Group executive told members of the state House Democratic Policy Committee that businesses need to “move beyond being simply consumers of talent to become investors in talent.” The […]
Seven districts set to apply Human Centered Design
District leaders set to apply “Human Centered Design” after participating in Expanding Innovation 2.0 A training session earlier this week found lots of converts to Human Centered Design (HCD). Brownsville Area School District Superintendent Bill King was quick to say why he was one of them. “It’s friendly, it’s positive, it’s a unique approach to problem-solving,” […]
Consortium adds Program Director
Consortium adds new Program Director Christy Kuehn joined the Consortium as a Program Director this month, just as the school year began and just in time to pitch on a number of our initiatives including the Future Ready Alliance, Student Powered Solutions and Educator in the Workforce. Experienced in both academic settings and the nonprofit […]
We’re looking for mentors!
First workshop on Project-Based Learning set for September 27
Attend fall training sessions in Project-Based Learning… The Consortium will again offer training in Project-Based Learning (PBL) during the 2018-2019 school year, both for teachers undertaking projects as part of our Student Powered Solutions program as well as others with a general interest. The first two-day training begins with a workshop September 27 and concludes […]
Consortium and Luma to offer training in Human Centered Design
Consortium and LUMA Institute launch Expanding Innovation 2.0 The Consortium for Public Education and the LUMA Institute are partnering to launch the 2018-2019 version of Expanding Innovation, a professional development program aimed at helping leaders in K-12 education use the principles and practices of Human-Centered Design (HCD) to advance improvements in their districts and schools. […]
Educator in the Workforce plans October immersion in building trades
PNC partnership…
Partnership with PNC PNC Financial Corp., Inc. awarded the Consortium a $12,000 grant in support of a partnership piloting pre-employment training for high school students. The pilot began this spring with in-school training for selected seniors in five high schools. In the upcoming school year, the pilot will expand to additional schools and to juniors […]
Welcoming a new Board member
PNC executive joins Consortium Board as two members step down The Consortium welcomed a new member to its Board July 1 and said goodbye to two others who recently stepped down. Our newest member is Joshua Stewart, Vice President and Director of Talent Programs for PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. Stepping down after multiple terms […]